Wednesday, April 9, 2014

47 - first portion gave me the clashing themes feeling again; the alleluyah portion was delightful, reminded me of Handel, enjoyed the contrast between the female and male soloists.
47a - Kyrie - strong contrast between solemn opening pulse and soft lines crawling upward, enjoyed the earnestness of the male and female solo parts in the Christe eleison, and the barely discernable (for me) organ texture underlieing the whole; Gloria - liked the Gratias with the solo singers, syncopation of the qui tollis interesting, cheerfulness of the quoniam refreshing, and the movement from that to the key or first note of the next movement (I don't know what to attribute it to), cum sancto spiritu, is surprising; credo - et incarnatus - , crucifixus has some sort of weird trumpet (clarini?) and a strange rising line theme, et resurrexit quite joyous, et in spiritum sanctum is more sprightly, while affirming filioque, quite Catholically; Sanctus has strange rhythymic ending in 2\4; also a fast ending for the Benedictus

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