Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sweet Poesy

καὶ ἔλεγεν αὐτοῖς· ὑμῖν τὸ μυστήριον δέδοται τῆς βασιλείας τοῦ θεοῦ· ἐκείνοις δὲ τοῖς ἔξω ἐν παραβολαῖς τὰ πάντα γίνεται,
12 ἵνα βλέποντες βλέπωσιν καὶ μὴ ἴδωσιν,
καὶ ἀκούοντες ἀκούωσιν καὶ μὴ συνιῶσιν,
μήποτε ἐπιστρέψωσιν καὶ ἀφεθῇ αὐτοῖς.

Mysteries for gospel morons Mysteries for students,
Granted by the rabbi with assurance
There will be a reprieve from your confusion
And a time for comfort and kind words
The rabbis in waiting sit wait eagerly in expectation
Joying in their cerebrums at Yeshua’s kingly disposition
His hard Hebraic disposition, momentarily softening for his disciplined idiots

But the package form of the allowance?
The promise of the absence of resolution
And an unresolved theory from whom no theology returns unpunished

Yes theology has no quittance from the device
Softened by its blanket confusing axioms
War t orn by myriads of mouths whose lips and tongues
Have tasted and seen the ruder now tumurous
Trappings of Yeshuas thought
But have not tasted of the blue, the delightful Hypocrene
Of the same, the unsung undersong
Born up in thought by the vigorous thrusting of
Discipled action the laboring and weekly meditations of monks
Now at the vantage of two thousand years
I pronounce our failing humanity
The prophets words distorted by us

I do not like you Yeshua when you speak this way
But let my thoughts remain a pox and a tizzy
On personal sense of right conduct and display
For Iyyob in time thought thoughts as blasphemous
But piety right poisoned his hagagah transgressions
And now only remains memory of his better days
His chaster ways and the chronicle of turpitude and frailty
That led him in the rightness of action and discourse so
Available to readers to day in that memorable chronicle of his
Outcome in the forty third chapter of his book
Readers everywhere rejoice as they slap the book cover on the table
Iyyob go’eled by Elohim at last
Human unwisdom surpassed
And everything stupid and us drowned pebblelike in the stream

Poem #2
Sucky talk and discourse is disgusting
Maelstroms of uneasiness barren pleasures
Variated digressions by arrogant freaks
The pleasure their own not to ours tethered
Tigress of conversation why do you chide
At the roarers and belchers that clear the path
Thy yawnings are alike good for nothing
Pointless screams at conversational gas
If you had tasked them for their laughter
And had the bourn of their witless woes
Would there be time for your correction
Or a space for your correctional crow
Tigers sit company tight with hyenas
Een in sunny sun drenched peopled arenas

Poem #3

Apple glasses and plum desktop monitors
Drinkable pellucid venomous expensive
Quadriform eidolon meaningless poesy-riddle
Tedium in writing yes tedium read
Poesy sweetened tight mannered crafted
Stradivarius obsidian countertop blinged
Precious for purchase for life also precious
In fact much too precious for my likening
Beliken away fat brother and self
The worst that results is flacid confection
One without width substance or zing
Take your example from the Pharoahs erections
Erections starry pointing awe-spiring murtherings
Of body of alma of napsh why not cuerpos
I suppose theres time on land for any fat thing

Poem #4

It is very hard to write well
Pull up the bucket and theres nothing but sand
Abrahams offspring much outnumber my
Attempts at remembrance untidily lammed
But wait theres a jewel in the pail in the back
Next to the blooming rosens grown fine in the dirt
Hairy Old weed but sure family favorite
At least to unconcerned with truth-telling folk
Harold Bloom was the jewpher too plain
Yes its that imprecise whining fat Shem
Introduction to plays master Cakebeer the one
Crows nest king of my poesy barkening
Barken on bark on cries my better mentor true

Poem #5

Cake and beer unmitigated pleasure poet
Ostrich feathered courtesan of my fire offering
Bier up beercake you know no homegoing
I tell you youll remain at home with me
My home is long wide open and chapped
Like my kneese uglier as vacationess as can be
But trust me a roll in the hay is not for her making
The violent they say do bear it away
But beercake learn quick u are to concerting
To amicable to playn gayms to fun
Develop a solitude I should quoth emerson
Hes better at saying shit in the long run

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