Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mozart K.15x - 15ss

K 15x - Contredanse: Allegro molto in F major - not much feeling this one
K 15y - Minuetto in G major - feel like I've heard this one before
K 15z - Gigue: Allegro non tanto in C minor - nice, symmetrical, fugeish thing
K 15aa - Allegro in B flat major - this one is like a fly, has all the wierd turns and gyrations of the flight path of that insect
K 15bb - Notturno: Allegro con spirito in D major - this one sounds frantic, a lot of pushing and pulling
K 15cc - Menuetto: Allegro moderato in E flat major - this one all over the place too, themes, at least one time, seemed to run into one another
K 15dd - Andante poco adagio in A flat major - has violins and a flute, surprisingly, didn't like it much though
K 15ee & K 15ff - Minuetto e trio in E flat major - has a commandatore, arrogant, shovy vibe
K 15gg - Cotillon: Vivace in B flat major - what contrast!  certainly can't judge a piece solely by its title, and this bittie goes to show it - whoowee.  I like this one.
K 15hh - Rondeau: Poco allegro in F major - this one's alright
K 15ii - Marcia: Andantino in B flat major - didn't do much for me
K 15kk - Andante in E flat major - maybe I'm running out of energy on these pieces, trying to make something of them - nothing for this one really
K 15ll - Presto in B flat major - this one sounds even more like a fly than 15aa
K 15mm - Adagio in E flat major - rather hymnish
K 15nn - Molto allegro in F major (fragment: 3 measures) - and something's going to happen...and, nothing's going to happen
K 15oo - Tempo di minuetto in D minor - the bass part actually makes we want to chuckle here (I don't chuckle though, in case anyone's wonderfing)
K 15pp & K 15qq - Menuetto: Poco maestoso e trio in B flat major  - middle section rather pretty
K 15rr - Minuetto in C major (fragment: 12 measures) - ahhh - whatever
K 15ss - Fuga a 4 in C major (fragment: 23 measures) - last one's got a violin going, didn't really follow it much

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