Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mozart K.19 and K. 19a

Mozart Symphony #4, K.19, Allegro - I tried to derive an impression from the listening experience, but my mind reached out to find nothing in its hands.  The hands of my mind were apparently to puny or pudgy to contain this note apparatus.  I got very little from this other than than that I found nothing interesting.
Mozart Symphony #4, K.19, Andante- I got very little from this, except guilt and unhappiness at my inability to gather anything from it.  Perhaps a closer examination of the form of the whole thing will bring some pleasure in the future.  Is elegance the chief beauty of the early Mozart?  If so, will I ever know it, if I continue to place a primacy on my heart's first affections, the first buds of May, Spring time in the mens cogitens?  I will listen to it once again, perhaps interesting things will result.
Mozart Symphony #4, K.19, Andante - Second listening, nothing really got out it.  And yet I read these two comments on Youtube, the second in response to the first: "(1) Chris Hogwood and the AAM do full justice to the lightness and delicacy of this composition , which is frequently lost in ham-fisted performances by big modern orchestras.  (2) You're spot on. I think Hogwood is actually much better with classical than baroque. It goes without saying that this is an astoundingly lucid and balanced composition for a nine-year-old composer."  What am I missing?  I will say that during the last 20 seconds or so the verticality (and I find this strange to talk about) of the piece appeared.  Suddenly it was easier to remember what came before.  For this reason, I will offer of a burnt brain offering a third time to the muse.  We shall have another go at the Andante.
Mozart Symphony, #4, K.19 Andante - Third Listening, I did find it harder to concentrate on keeping my eyes open - perhaps this was merely because I wasn't constantly on the verge of a profound hypnogogia, like before.  I don't think keeping the eyes open helped.  What did help was turning the volume up (suprise!).  What was cliche and boring before became considerably warmer.  I will reexamine the allegro movement, which I found quite tedious, at a higher volume.
Mozart Symphony, #4, K.19 Allegro - I received at this louder volume, with my eyes forced open now, the impression of something rather complicated, with a lot of themes forced together, none of them very interesting, and some minor key wierdness in certain places.  I do not understand these things, when no one has the reaction I do.  Is it the third movement that will redeem the piece?  We're about to see.
Mozart Symphony #4, K.19 Presto - Well, maybe I'm still listening to the shit wrong, but this was just as unmemorable as the previous, if not more so.  The guy was nine years old?  Why am I expecting a masterpiece, you ask?  I'm not expecting a masterpiece, but I am expecting something listenable.  Those first impression ideas K.1a-f were far more memorable than all nine minutes of this stuff.  So far, I've found that the longer his pieces, the shittier and more repugnant I find them.  
Mozart Symphony in C, K.19a Allegro - Well, maybe I find this one less repugnant than the previous.  Rapidly losing interest here.  Trying to pay attention to form and themes and all that, but my attention wanes in spite of me.  Screw this situation.  If mozart sucks in these early pieces, a lot more peope should be owning up to it.
Mozart Symphony in C, K.19a, Andante - Yah, probably better than the previous.  Started out a bit interested, became less interested as the piece progressed.  Never liked his symphony stuff anyways.  Whatevs.  On to the next one...
Mozart Symphony in C, K.19a Presto - Another sucky piece.  Suppose I like the Andante stuff better.  Does everyone really find this gorgeous?  I found this quite boring.  

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